This is the story of a quiet little street in the middle of an old downtown neighborhood. It's a warm night with a bit of chill in the air that reminds you November is around the corner. It's dark, everyone is getting ready for the time change. Manor is dark, darker than its surrounding streets. No street light on Manor makes the trick or treaters stay away.
Manor Avenue is made up of ten old houses. All with their yards covered in a mixture of brown oak leaves and straw from the towering pines.
It's quiet, and all you hear on a night like this is a dogs howl. He truly believes he's helping when the sirens of an ambulance go by. He's on super alert tonight! There are children and families walking down the street that runs perpendicular to Manor. It's busy out there, outside Manor Avenue. Doorbells are ringing, parents are chatting, children are squealing and yelling out their best "TRICK OR TREAT."
You may hear a loud rumble or the swish of a broom from this Avenue but no worries, it's just a resident of Manor pulling in the trash an from the road and sweeping off the front porch. Pretty boring here on October 31st. By 7:30 pm the dog has given up and the residents, well they too realize that another Halloween has gone by without those chatting parents and without those squealing children.
Just another night.