Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Grown-Up Wall

This is one of the spaces in my living room that from the beginning (4 years ago) I didn't know what to do with.  So I found a vintage Moulin Rouge Print, that I love and put it in a cheap poster frame and stuck it on the wall.  Love the print.  Hate the space. 

So I decided to try what I've seen ALL OVER pinterest, a photo collage!  Shouldn't be too expensive, right?  Wrong.  Photos $45. Frames, on sale at Hobby Lobby, a little over $100 (thanks mama!!) Whatha?? I was already committed when the numbers came in, I had to keep going.  So here is how it ended. 
This is the finished product and I'm in love with the space now!  It's all my family, friends and kiddos (although I did have to cut some people)!! It feels a little more grown up not having a poster on my wall! Just in time for company next weekend!

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