I went to an Estate Sale today in Rosewood.
It was...fun, sad, exciting. Yes, all of those!
It was right around the corner from my house. The only reason I didn't ride my bike is because it was 18642 degrees outside and there's no telling what I would come back with. It opened at 11am, and that's when I got there. Maybe 11:01 or 2 but no later than that. People were already inside and there was a long line.
I got my number and waited patiently watching what people were coming out with. Silently wishing I was a retired woman with tons of money like I suspected some of ladies were around me.
This happen to fall at a time that I could take my lunch break, but what was everyone else doing there? I work from home which is another reason it was easy to go to being just around the corner. Turns out this is a thing people do. Kind of like garage sales, but fancier!! I felt fancy standing in line with these ladies, some couples and a random college student. I feel like they were looking at me thinking, what does she have? How can she be here in the middle of the day? Maybe she is secretly rich. No one had seen me at any other sale so I was new and mysterious!
I can totally play mysterious!
"61!" she called, it was my turn! I was channeling my mom and aunts who love to antique. I never learned the craft because they always wanted to drag me into a huge warehouse when its 18642 degrees outside and mosey through the store. Ew, no thank you. But I needed their help now. Would there be anything in here I think is cute and it turns out to be from the late 1800's and worth the tons of money I mentioned before???
It was a lot of old stuff, I know shocking! An old piano, old plates on the walls, old dishes. Everything was for sale. I couldn't even describe the layout of the house to you, there were so many people and my eyes were darting back and forth. I got to the kitchen and then to this back room, looked up and saw it!
Isn't that great! I almost had to fight a really tall man for it. Like, he tried to stop me from taking the tag off. Nice try buddy but I'm mysterious and for all you know I could have been doing this for years! Side note, I have NO place to put this, so someone reading this may get it as a gift, act surprised!!
It wasn't until I got into one of the bedrooms and saw all this stuff. There weren't any packed boxes, the whole house was set up. The bed was made, pillows were on it. There was soap in the shower, clothes in the closet. Someone lived here. Someone laughed here, cried here, had supper here, made plans here......Oooo a coach purse!!
Maybe it's not a sad story, maybe it's not a death, there could be any number of reasons to sell your entire estate, right?
I walked out with a great gamecock light, a leather weekend bag, a black clutch and two pairs of leather yard gloves!
I look at it this way, I bought my house from an Estate. So there are good things that come from these sales. Like a good bag or a fun light! Yes, that is the way I see it! They will be on Rockbridge Road tomorrow, I may become a regular!
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