Thursday, June 6, 2013

Laugh Out Loud

I didn't realize how hard or loud I laughed until I was at my sisters house recently.  With two sleeping children just down the hall she and Tab are on constant watch of noise in and out of the house.  So when a stupid commercial came on and I literally slapped my knee and laughed out loud they looked at me with this "if that woke up either one of those children..." looks.  Scary.  I'm not oblivious, I know what it takes to get these two to sleep.  I see it when I'm there and most times I am a part of the process.  You can't help but be when you're there. 

It leads me to Lindsey, and how she laughs.  In the last three years her number of snorts per year has gone up by at least 74%.  I have a theory for this:

While I choose to open my mouth wide, let my laugh out, not caring about my surroundings it is a full body laugh and nothing is suppressed; Lindsey on the other hand, one, doesn't laugh out loud as much as I do.  She has gotten better about it since we lived together in the pink house.  We actually had conversations about it.  Two, on top of maybe feeling a bit apprehensive about laughing out loud, she is also thinking of the two sleeping children she just spent 45 minutes putting to sleep.  Between the re-swaddles because Fat Man got out of the miracle swaddle (that is literally the name of it) or Miss Bett's ever challenging game of 'I have to go to the bathroom,' Lindsey waits for a quiet house.  So when she does laugh out loud at something it is quiet evident to anyone in the room suppressed and with that comes...SNORT.  Every. Single. Time. 

This is all to say that I love reading the research on laughter and what it does for your over all health.  It's amazing!  While I don't smile all day long (mainly because of how my mouth naturally curves down)-I do laugh AT LEAST once a day.  And almost always more than that. 

While I will not list all the things that make me laugh, I will tell you that going to YouTube and looking up the bloopers of your favorite TV show will not disappoint!  That is just one of the ways I laugh out loud. 

I encourage all of you to laugh out loud.  You have to smile while you're laughing, so its happiness times two! 

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