Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Goes with almost everything!

Chimichurri Sauce:

1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup yellow onion
1 tbsp garlic
1/4 cup parsley
1 tbsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp ground chili pepper
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/4 cup red bell pepper

It's delicious with a little bit of heat to it!  I've put it with almost everything I eat.  Tilapia, chicken, brown rice.  It's so good, I encourage you to try it for yourself!

Monday, March 25, 2013

My Journey: Part I

Hi, I'm Jennifer and I am addicted to...unhealthy food. 

I'd be curious to know people's initial reaction to that.  Is she serious? Is that real? Surely it's just a joke. 

No joke.  It's real.  Trust me!   

  I have struggled with weight my ENTIRE life. My whole life, from the time I can remember. I grew up in the 80's and 90's. I grew up in the fads of Jane Fonda, Richard Simmons, and Chrissy from Three's Company and that damned thigh machine. Slim Fast, Metabolife, Cabbage Soup were all at some point a big part of my life.  In all the years I can remember being fat, I can also remember the diets I was on.  From the time I was 10 years old I was on a diet. 

  Being young, I was just told this isn’t how you are supposed to look, take this and you’ll be fine.  As I got older I had my own “Ah Ha” moments.  And they were just that, moments in time.  I had plenty of “serious” talks with family and friends, “this is the time, this is the moment.  I’m not going into my 20’s like this…..not turning 25 like this…..not going into my 30’s looking like this.”  They didn’t work. 

 In July 2012 I started walking 20-30 minutes in the morning with my brother.  Just had a thought one day; the secret was (to myself) that it wasn’t really for me, it was to help him get up and going in the morning.  I went to his house early in the morning, we walked and then I went home and did 45 minutes of a workout dvd.  It was perfect! I had someone counting on me to meet them so I had someone other than me to be accounted to and I was ‘secretly’ getting healthy too.  July 2012.  No “Ah Ha” moment.  No, “This is the day.” I had nothing like that. 

 The dvd was getting old, so I joined a ladies only gym that was within my budget.  And I just went.  I can’t tell you what motivated me in the beginning, I have no idea.  But I didn’t ask myself why I just continued on. 

 It was October and I was 4 months in with no soda products or fast food.  That alone was amazing.  I will absolutely equate it to an alcoholic in the program going without a drink for the same time.  I got Meningitis and was in the hospital for four days.  I couldn’t work out; I had little choice with the hospital food. 

My momentum was gone.

Happy First Day of Spring!   Happy 60th Birthday Mama!!

March 20th was mama's birthday and the first day of Spring!  I went by her office this morning and decorated her desk.  The usual big sign that no one can miss, confetti in places she'll be finding for years, streamers and yes even balloons!  It looked perfect!

I stayed there long enough to see her reaction and give her the birthday gift Lindsey and I had worked on!  We are going to New York!!  I am so excited, and so is mom! We went to dinner that night to meet up with her friend!!  She thinks it's just going to be the two of us!! Ha! I love surprises!! 
Happy Birthday mama!  I KNOW you had a great day! Here's to many more years! XO

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Welcome, Pope Francis I

Today the news came from the Vatican in Rome that a Pope was selected.  Pope Francis I. 

How exciting! 

How exciting?

I watched and listened to Brian Williams speak about the process, about the man.  I listened to all his correspondents speak about this man.  Interesting? Yes. Thrilling, exciting? I don't know.  The whole time I was trying to compare it to the way I felt about the election last year.  I was up all night.  All night! I was at the edge of my seat.  It was like a great film!  I was invested. 

I am Catholic.  I went to Catholic school for elementary, middle and high school.  Grew up going to mass on Sunday's.  As I got older, not as much.  I can't remember fighting with mom and dad over going or not. (although I remember Lindsey fighting)  I'm sure it happened, but I also think that life got in the way and it was easier not to get three kids ready to go to mass on Sunday morning.  Especially when they are at the age to fight back with you. 

So you would think that is the definition of invested, right?  Eighth grade is when you have confirmation.  This is basically baptism again.  The idea is we don't really have a choice when we are babies.  By this time we've learned about the faith and should be able to make the choice to continue in the faith or not.  Yeah right.  I had all sorts of questions.  Still do.  You don't say no, you get confirmed. 

The questions I had when I was in eighth grade are the same ones I have now.  And it comes down to this; Can I be a Catholic and disagree with some core beliefs of the faith? That's what I'm doing now.  I go to mass, I say my prayers and I whole heartily disagree with some of the Catholic beliefs.  I respect the men and women in this faith.  From the alter boys and girls to our new leader, Pope Francis I. 

So what I believe is that God knows me.  He knows how I feel and why.  And that's it. 

Today's coverage was not like a great film.  It was more like a peaceful feeling.  (much like how I feel during mass).  I guess if it was thrilling and exciting that would take away from the spiritual side of it. 

I'm happy that we have a new leader, he has a kind face and seems to be really connected to the people.    

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Grown-Up Wall

This is one of the spaces in my living room that from the beginning (4 years ago) I didn't know what to do with.  So I found a vintage Moulin Rouge Print, that I love and put it in a cheap poster frame and stuck it on the wall.  Love the print.  Hate the space. 

So I decided to try what I've seen ALL OVER pinterest, a photo collage!  Shouldn't be too expensive, right?  Wrong.  Photos $45. Frames, on sale at Hobby Lobby, a little over $100 (thanks mama!!) Whatha?? I was already committed when the numbers came in, I had to keep going.  So here is how it ended. 
This is the finished product and I'm in love with the space now!  It's all my family, friends and kiddos (although I did have to cut some people)!! It feels a little more grown up not having a poster on my wall! Just in time for company next weekend!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Laugh with your Children!

Laugh with your Children!  Don’t be afraid to look silly!
See how your child's humor changes as they develop!  Humor is a powerful interaction between you and your child.  An interaction of this nature helps your child develop lifelong skills! 

Laugh when their special people do out-of-the ordinary things
Goofy dances
Sticking their tongues out
Silly noises
Silly mouth sounds
Funny faces


Laugh at mix ups
Shoes on head
Bananas as phones
Little coat on a big person
Pointing to an eye when the grown-up says ‘nose’
Calling people the wrong name


Laugh at nonsense, intentional mistakes and exaggerations
‘You’re a silly billy,’
‘Can I have a pandwhich,’
‘I want some mud juice,’
‘You have a square head,’
Picture of a giant mouse
Loud pretend cry

 School Age…..

Laugh at verbal humor
Knock-knock jokes
Word plays

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Unconditional Love?

Poems about love.  The unconditional kind.  Maybe the hardest of all to truly believe in.  Don't we all have some conditions?  Whether we make them known to one another or not.  Shouldn't we have some conditions?  Do we stop loving if those conditions are not met.  Or is it something else? Another emotion? Is love just suspended? Is there an answer, or is it up to us to decide on our own?
These authors have their own ideas.  I don't know if I know what mine are yet. 


Genuine love is unconditional.
It cannot set boundaries or demands.
If it does, it's only superficial.
No matter what happens- love understands.

Every human being is imperfect,
Nobody can stand on a pedestal.
If love doesn't give you what you expect,
It is because YOU won't give love your all.

The purpose of love is in its giving,
Not in what you think you can gain from it.
It exists in mundane daily living,
Not in reaching some romantic summit.

Real love has as its basis compassion,
It transcends mere emotional passion.

-Kathleen Delicato

This life is filled with wonder
With gifts from up above
All the beauty of this life
There’s none stronger than love.
Love is born within our hearts
A fact we can’t deny
Increasing with the passing time
More as each day goes by.
Was once a seed is now, a tree
It’s full and lush and rife
My love for you can’t be explained
I’ve had it all my life
Till my days end, you’ll always know
My feelings they are true
No matter where you find yourself
We both know I’ll love you.

-David Devito
Don't believe in your past
Don't be downcast
God has forgiven you
I have too
I always asked God to let me love and forgive like Him
So when the lights fade away and it grows dim
You're just teaching me
To love unconditionally
I won't bring it up, if you don't want me to
I won't shout it out, if it hurts you
You've trusted me to tell truth
Pain exposed, I wish to soothe
I don't believe in what you were
The thought didn't even occur
The love I have for who you are now
Takes away every thought of doubt

And that's how it will always end
Your past doesn't make you
He has made you new
I will always love you
No matter what you d
-Rachel Dittmer