Monday, September 23, 2013

Raina Turned 3!

On Saturday, the 14th my sweet niece Raina turned 3 years old!  Amazing! This girl has me laughing more than I feel I should for her just being three years old. 

Things I remember...

The night before she was born her mama was in the hospital.  I went by there to check on them and we played cards for a while.  The next day almost came and went without her.  But before we could even get to the hospital (which was a short 7-9 minute drive) Raina Dorothy was born. 

I will never forget her cheeks.  Those cheeks were too much!

She was beautiful! Her face was so puffy, poor thing, but she was beautiful! She changed so much from then, her looks alone.  Her eye color changed, the shape of her much!

I remember painting her Welcome Home sign and going by their house to hang it up before they got home.  Those will always be the little things I remember and charish!

I'm lucky to have her so close! I get to see her and keep her and play as much as I can!  She is growing up fast, and I love watching her turn into a real person.  Watching her reaction to people, things, events.  Watching her personality shine through, the times she's shy and the times when she doesn't know a stanger.  It's so exciting!! 

Three years ago, the world changed.  My sweet sassy pants came into the world, and it will never be the same.  She adds such light and laughter!